Ladies with Leashes
Canine Therapeutic
Services is an organization providing a wide variety of canine assisted therapy programs to the community.
The beginning of Ladies
with Leashes was the result of its' founder having personally benefited from a strong personal
and professional relationship with her canine partner and the strength and value of the human-animal bond. As time went on she met more and more individuals that shared that special
relationship with there pets. They also shared a common vision of a program that would promote and enable canine therapy activities,
help facilities set up and support their own canine assisted therapy programs, and connect volunteers with facilities.
Ladies with Leashes consistently strives to provide a new level of training,
support, and deployment of therapy teams, focusing on canine behavior and human training. Unlike other programs, the
goal is to train animal/handler teams, focusing on canine behavior and human dynamics via classes, shadowing, and mentoring
with the guidance of Counselors, Medical Experts, Child Care Specialists, and Social Service Advisors to fulfill and assist
those programs, and courses of treatment, that would benefit from a Canine Therapeutic Service.
We are pleased to welcome you to our webhome and welcome any comments or suggestions you
may have.
Our understanding that interacting with
animals can benefit our health and wellbeing in many ways is rapidly growing. Since their earliest beginnings, dogs
and people have worked together and dogs’ innate desire to please, readiness to learn, and sociability make them excellent
therapy partners who help people connect and bring comfort
and pleasure in a wide range of settings.
These include: crisis response; retirement, assisted living, and
skilled nursing facilities; hospitals, especially pediatrics, orthopedics, rehabilitation medicine, psychiatric services,
geriatrics; hospice; schools; and residences for people living with mental and emotional illness. |
Our dogs love
there jobs and bring so much joy to those they visit!
Ladies with Leashes & Men with Mutts is a positive, interactive group of special people with special dogs MAKING a
SPECIAL difference in others' lives.

© LWL's All Rights Reserved. 2006. All material, photo's,artwork, articles, and content of this web site, and it's pages,
and organizational links, are copyrighted to CCWDA and/or LWL's.Permission MUST be granted to use all or any part of.
OUR MOTTO : " Our Best Friends Have Hairy Legs " |

Have a Joy Filled Summer Season! |
*A Canine Care Assistance Program.© LWL's All Rights Reserved. 2006. All material, photo's,artwork, articles, and content of this web site, and it's pages,
and organizational links, are copyrighted to CCWDA and/or LWL's.Permission MUST be granted to use all or any part of.
"And God is able to make all grace abound
to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8