It's not the breed , it's the attitude for this job. |
Canine Assisted Therapy IN ACTION! |
Caring & Sharing equals FUN! |
Luke having a "chat" with Ralph. |
Penny being a great sleeping partner! |
Lovely ladies with fine company. |
Chuck enjoying a chat with a friend. |
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Doris & "Ginger" brightning a day. |
The love of a dog heals so much. |
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© LWL All Rights Reserved.
OUR MOTTO : " Our Best Friends Have Hairy Legs " |

Have a Joy Filled Summer Season! |
*A Canine Care Assistance Program.© LWL's All Rights Reserved. 2006. All material, photo's,artwork, articles, and content of this web site, and it's pages,
and organizational links, are copyrighted to CCWDA and/or LWL's.Permission MUST be granted to use all or any part of.
"And God is able to make all grace abound
to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8